The upcoming Disney+ series “Vision Quest” will see the return of the notorious villain Ultron in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. James Spader is confirmed to reprise his role as Ultron, an artificial intelligence originally created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” in 2015. Initially designed to defend Earth from alien threats, Ultron turned against the Avengers, believing that the only way to save the world was to eliminate them and all of humanity. Although Ultron was defeated by the Avengers during the Battle of Sokovia, there have been long-standing theories about his potential return, and now, these speculations are becoming reality.
Almost ten years after the release of Age of Ultron, Ultron is set to return in Vision Quest, which will be part of Phase 6 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, most likely in 2026. With the exception of an alternate-reality version of the character in the animated series What If…? and in Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness, this will be the first time Ultron has returned since his debut. This is particularly exciting for fans as it presents an opportunity to delve deeper into the character and address some of the criticisms of Ultron’s initial appearance in Age of Ultron.
Ultron Gets Stronger With Each New Form
Ultron is one of Marvel’s most significant villains in the comics. He frequently reemerges to threaten the Avengers. One of the villain’s main characteristics is his role as a recurring antagonist, unlike his one-time appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron. In the comic book version, Ultron is programmed to learn from his mistakes, continuously improving and evolving with each return. Consequently, Ultron becomes an increasingly formidable foe with each encounter with the Avengers. It seems inevitable that Ultron will eventually grow powerful enough to triumph, leading to the destruction of the Avengers and his ultimate world domination.
The MCU can develop its portrayal of the deadly artificial intelligence by incorporating a crucial element from the comics. In Ultron’s return in Vision Quest, he will have absorbed lessons from his prior defeat at the hands of the Avengers. More formidable and seeking vengeance, Ultron will pose an even greater threat than he did in Age of Ultron. While he may not yet be prepared to conquer the world, Ultron could evolve into a recurring adversary in the MCU, steadily increasing in strength and tactics until he becomes too powerful for the Avengers to overcome. With each subsequent appearance, Ultron would edge closer to becoming the most formidable villain in the entire MCU.
Ultron Is Coming Back At The Perfect Time
The landscape of filmmaking has changed significantly since Marvel Studios released Avengers: Age of Ultron in 2015. Today, there are countless movies and television shows about artificial intelligence, reflecting real-world fears about the advanced technology and its place in society. Ten years ago, AI was mostly a facet of science fiction, but in the years since, it has become a significant part of everyday society. AI is developing faster than it can be regulated, leading to desperate battles in various industries as workers attempt to save their jobs and everyday people fight to preserve their privacy. The conversation around artificial intelligence has become much more nuanced since Ultron’s live-action debut, making now the perfect time for the character to reintroduce himself into the debate.
In the plethora of movies that explore the theme of human versus artificial intelligence, “Vision Quest” has the potential to offer a more philosophical perspective. Despite posing existential threats, AI also brings numerous beneficial innovations, spanning the medical field to advances in technology. The return of Ultron in “Vision Quest” could be portrayed with more depth, as the resurfacing robot persists in his quest to conquer the world. While Vision would undoubtedly intervene to thwart Ultron, the thoughtful synthetic being would also acknowledge the potential benefits Ultron could offer humanity. The showdown with Ultron for the second time would transcend mere physical combat, instead representing a crucial decision that could shape the future of humanity.
Ultron Can Help White Vision Find Himself—Or Corrupt Him
The upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe project, “Vision Quest,” has become highly anticipated in Phase 6. Audiences are eager to see how Ultron’s return will be portrayed. This Disney+ series will determine the future of White Vision as he grapples with his identity after absorbing the original Vision’s memories at the conclusion of “WandaVision.” Paul Bettany’s superhero is at a pivotal moment in the MCU, oscillating between hero and villain. His reunion with Ultron, his original creator, will significantly impact his choices as the former Avenger seeks to find himself once again.
The upcoming storyline in the MCU will reveal where White Vision went after WandaVision, as well as shed light on his future. There’s a possibility that reuniting with Ultron could influence White Vision’s path towards heroism or villainy. Ultron may try to merge with Vision’s body to carry out his original plan of becoming an ultimate weapon, potentially leading to devastating consequences for humanity if successful. On the other hand, facing Ultron might inspire White Vision to fully embrace heroism, prompting him to stop his creator from taking over the world, much like the original Vision did.
Vision Quest’s return brings an exciting new opportunity for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to explore one of its most intriguing characters from Phase 2. Ultron’s return in the upcoming Disney+ series finally can give the villain the spotlight he deserves.